DoD Directive 5200. 28 Automated Information System Security.
- Trsusted Facility Manual. A manual shall be available that provides the following: be addressed to the ADP system administrator shall present cautions about functions and privileges that should be controlled when running a secure facility; give procedures examining and maintaining the audit files; give the detailed audit record structure for each type of audit event; describe the operator and administrator functions related to security, to include changing the security characteristics of a user; provide guidelines on the consistent and effective use of the protection features of the system; explain how the protection features of the system interact; show how to securely generate a new TCB; provide guidelines on facility procedures, warinings, and privileges that need to be controlled in order to operate the facility in a secure manner; identify the TCB modules that contain the reference validation mechanism; describe the procedures for secure generation of a new TCB from source after modification of any modules in the TCB.