Sensitive Unclassified Information
- Plain text or machine-encoded data that, as determined by competent authority (e. g. , information owners), has relative sensitivity and requires mandatory protection because of statutory or regulatory restrictions (e. g. , unclassified controlled nuclear information, Official Use Only Information, Privacy Act information) or requires a degree of discretionary protection because inadvertent or deliberate misuse, alteration, disclosure, or destruction could adversely affect national or other DOE interests (e. g. , program critical information, or controlled scientific and technical information which may include computer codes (computer programs) used to process such information). (DOE 1360. 2A)
- Any information, the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access to, or modification of which, adversely might affect U. S. national interest, the conduct of DOD programs, or the privacy of DOD personnel (e. g. , FOIA exempt information and information whose distribution is limited by DODD 5230. 24). (DODD 5200. 28)
- Information that requires protection due to the risk and magnitude of harm or loss that could result from unauthorized disclosure, alteration, loss, or destruction. The term includes records about individuals requiring protection under the Privacy Act, proprietary data, information not releasable under the Freedom of Information Act, and DOD and Air Force data that affects the mission. (AFR 205. 16)